Sunday, December 29, 2019

O Corvo - Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven ("O Corvo") é um poema do escritor e poeta norte-americano Edgar Allan Poe. Ele foi publicado pela primeira vez em 29 de Janeiro de 1845, no New York Evening Mirror. É um poema notável por sua musicalidade, língua estilizada e atmosfera sobrenatural provenientes tanto da métrica exata, permeada de rimas internas e jogos fonéticos, quanto do talento singular de Poe, um dos maiores expoentes tanto do romantismo quanto da própria literatura americana.
Neste poema, que apresenta uma temática típica do romantismo (ou, mais especificamente, do Ultrarromantismo), a figura do misterioso corvo que pousa sobre o busto de Pallas (ou Atena, na maioria das traduções feitas para o português como a de Fernando Pessoa) representa a inexorabilidade da morte e seu impacto sobre o personagem, o qual, no seu papel de arquétipo correspondente às tendências da geração literária de Poe, lamenta e sofre profundamente com a perda de sua amada Leonora (Lenore, no original). No final do poema, o corvo, o qual representa, como dito acima, a inexorabilidade da morte, repousa sobre o busto de Pallas simbolizando o pesar eterno que se abateu sobre a alma do protagonista.Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Leia abaixo, o poema "O Corvo",  na versão de Fernando Pessoa e o original, em inglês.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Lillith - Into the Night - Chapter One, part two

As we walked, my gallant gentleman began to speak of himself. Apparently, I pass some confidence to him.   There was something fraternal about the way he behaved. He was not interested in me the way men tend to be interested. He looked like an older brother accompanying his sister on the way home after a party. I wondered what he would say if he knew that I have many times his age.   This whole fuck was already becoming embarrassing. and it could be bad for my reputation if I had one.
— Tonight my girl put an end to our relationship. She kicked me in the butt, without even saying why. Wow! I did not know it hurts so much.

Monday, December 02, 2019

Children of the night

Leaning against a lamppost, she looked at the cars passing by distracted. She looked like a twelve-year-old girl, maybe even less. She looked lost but did not move for help when a police car passed across the street. In fact, she seemed to struggle not to be noticed by the cops and followed them with her eyes as they walked away. After that, she put her school bag on her shoulders and made a crossing across the street, but was stopped by a taxi that stopped. A man got out of the car.
The man only noticed the girl after he paid for the taxi and turned to the sidewalk. If he was surprised to see an unaccompanied girl at that time of night, he did not show it. He just stared at her, amused by her natural charm.
The girl wore a college uniform, consisting of a skirt, blouse and classic model of school shoes.